Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So the curiosity was killing me and I finally looked up the infamous miley cyrus vma clip...couldn't finish it. That was horrid. Is this music?! She did not by any means look like she had rehearsed, nor did she look comfortable doing any of it. If she wasn.t comfortable doing, it she should have made someone change it. Who's the boss here Miley? Not the role model I would want my daughter to have. When did skin and sex become more important than the message of the music? Not that that song really had a message...

Like I have previously discussed, music used to be about keeping traditions and history alive in an easy to remember format. The music had a message. Sometimes it was what a bad king had done that must not be repeated and other times it was stories of gods and goddesses. As music evolved, it became a way to secretly pass messages, like with the underground railroad. But it always had a message. During the vietnam era, it was a message about loving your fellow man and how we shouldn't go to war. (The reasons for the war and the message certainly conflicted but that's another blog.) 

What message are we sending these days? Not only do we have visual messages with body language thanks to video, but listening to the actual words, I have to say we aren't saying anything that I want to be remembered for in the future. Our music is saying that we give license to people that think about promiscuous sex, drugs, and murder. Now I'm not saying all music these days has this message, but for some reason the most popular music does. When you add the fact that once-sweet, wholesome children that were a good role model, become hip thrusting, drug bingeing rehab escapees (I'm looking at you Lindsey and Britney and yes, Miley and Justin, too) This is not a good thing people! 

The part that makes me the saddest, isn't the loss of a beautiful thing like music used to be, it's that there are parents who think there is nothing wrong with teaching their two year old to sing ICP (just an example)! Parents that see nothing wrong with letting their 12 year old dance like a stripper. Parents that are afraid to tell them no and assert their responsibilities as parents and forbid anything their little angel wants even if it's not in their best interest. Until you reach a certain age, music like that should not be the moral compass or even a guidebook. It shouldn't even be a suggestion from a facebook friend. To be honest, I have to say if my daughter or son starts liking that stuff or acting that way, I'm gonna do what my mother threatened and lock them in a room til they're thirty!!